Handcrafted with the intentions of more love in the world
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Recycle & ReUse

Here at Go-Go Vivo Designs we try to reuse and recycle everything we can. Therefore, I will not be including a printed copy of your receipt with the purchase. I will send a digital copy that you can do with as you wish.

I save all of the packing materials when I get supplies shipments, and use them to ship your new creations. If you are so inclined, please pay it forward and reuse or recycle where you can. We are very conscious of our environment, and the materials used are glass, metal and leather.

The leather is sole sourced from a company that practices every possible sustainable and caring practice of creating the cording. If you would like additional information about that process, I can provide a link to their site.

As for the glass, most of the larger focal beads are Czech glass, and those artists have been creating their wonderful beads for centuries, through the same process that has kept their products on the front line of some of the best in the world. Most of the seed beads I use are Japanese Toho, another centuries old creation process.

Metal, while it's production isn't always environmentally sound, it beats the alternative, which is plastic, and I try to avoid those products as much as humanly possible.

Please take a moment today to observe your surroundings and see if you can do just one simple thing like pick up a piece of trash, be kind to the crazy person driving next to you as they not be having a good day at all, and give yourself a hug for entertaining thoughts like these.

Paying it forward to the world is my overall intention with this site and the distribution of my creations. Love, harmony and peace is woven into every stitch. I hope you enjoy them as much as I love creating them!




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